Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Pair of Book-ends

Just before our reunion yesterday, a conversation was progressing at our little table at the Village Market. We were engrossed in a conversation about Andy Warhol, Marshall McLuhan, and other culture-worthies, and were just on the brink of anwering the question, WHAT IS ART?. I have no recollection of the segue, (like the Program at the Living Seed, you never know what is going to come next!) but Kim McQuaite began speaking about his reading of Steiner's lectures on the Occult Signifigance of the Bhagavad Gita, and about his growing understanding of Steiner's concepts about the evolution of consciousness. He went into some detail about various aspects of the translation (of the lectures and of the original Sanskrit text.) And without missing a beat, we found ourselves discussing the question, just what is the value and meaning of this Song of God in our time?

(Much) later that same day, Richard and I found ourselves passing the time sitting on a couch at a party. (The women were playing in a kayak in the backyard pool.) We spoke about books we were reading and about contemporary currents in spiritual investigation. (I have just finished studying The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden, and Richard is reading Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas. ) We discussed various approaches to sharing insights with others using Internet technology, and how this could be one aspect of the continuing work of our community.

As I write about these "book-ends" , it strikes me that our meeting was not an isolated event, of value only to ourselves - It was an element in a much larger process.

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