Friday, August 15, 2008

Luciferic Influences in Our lives

The fall of Satan/Lucifer, Gustave Doré's illustration for Paradise Lost by John Milton

I certainly think that this blog should live on after the reunion! If only to try to be a beacon of enlightenment for those who have been taken off-course by a wrong turn down the information superhighway.

Speaking of wrong turns, in my humble opinion there is no time in history where the influences of both Lucifer and Ahriman are more pronounced then at present. Certainly, with the Presidential elections in the United States, the events in the Middle East and in events most recently in eastern Europe bringing the eyes of the world media upon them only serves to strengthen those influences. It seems fundamentalism is on the rise as is our increased dependance on technology and both these influences are taking us for a ride with more then enough wrong turns.

We see the polar opposition of fundamental religious and political views at one corner, the technologists at another corner and those with liberal views at yet another corner; each under the influence of these two powers. Yet somehow, they fail to recognize their influence upon them!

I wholehearted agree with Mark McAlister that those influences have the effect of too many people spending way too much of their time on the computer! If fact, in some cases it occupies so much of some folks lives that they become unable to "interface" with their fellow human beings anymore, losing contact with the warmth of humanity and preferring the false-comfort of a computer keyboard and mouse, or just limiting their communication to "texting", email, or cell phone conversations. These Ahrimanic tools of technology just draw many deeper into the throes of materialism and away from their very humanity. Another good example of this false promise is how computers promised us a paperless society! The environmentalists embraced this as a savior for the environment, but alas, we all know where that false promise led.

Well, enough of these ramblings for now! Before the earth completes one more revolution about its axis I will be in my car, on my way to the reunion! I hope we all take some photos so they can be posted here in later entries. Time for that second cup of coffee...certainly yet another Luciferic creation!

...See you all then!

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