Friday, July 18, 2008


How to use this blog:
1. Enjoy it!
2. Visit the List of Seedlings on the sidebar, and see all the names. Let me know if you're planning to come, and if there's anybody I should add.
3. Use the Comment button to send in your suggestions, thoughts, ruminations, jokes...
4. If you would like to write posts, let me know and I'll add you as an author.
NOTE: The password for admittance to the reunion is the name of the painter of the image in the blog title.

Over to you all...



bob bryden said...

Hello Mark,
I would love to attend this gathering - but unfortunately I am booked for a musical performance at the exact same hour:
Dundas Cactus Festival, Dundas, ON - Sat. Aug. 16 -
1 p.m. - Otherwise I'd attend.
Please keep me posted concerning any similar events.
Bob Bryden

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

I plan to be there, and look forward to seeing you all.
Could someone please bring some Maya yogourt,
and an Everdale cookie or granola to complete my re-living seediness
while I think of Ilse Kimball?
